This short story collection of fantastical tales featuring ghosts, time travel and mysteries is inspired by a journey through the UK.
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City of the Dead
Armed with nothing more than a sarcastic stone statue, a Victorian ghost and a humorous skeleton, would you try to solve your own murder?
Revenge of the Ginger
An unexpected holiday, time travel and a cat. – A story from three different points of views and one of those is the cat’s.
Love and Robots
This year the Jane Austen festival is a lot more…modern. Can a love story prevail even under the threat of a potential robot invasion?
Of Sea Monsters and Pirates
At first glance Inverness may seem ordinary, but the city has more than one magical secret.
A Prophecy of Coconuts
Don’t you want to discover the mystery of the coconut?
The Dangers of Gardening
When people start dying of mysterious wounds the rumoured vampires aren’t the only danger in town.
Race Against the Clock
Captain Khalilah’s first mission with her own crew turns into a scavenger hunt for a stolen molecular model amongst legendary riddles.